SUBMISSION DETAILS FOR SUBMITTING PRODUCTS TO ADDS ELECTRONICALLY ----------------------------------------------------------------- When you have a new product ready to submit to ADDS, you can do so electronically by submitting a copy of the file to be distributed, along with an electronic copy of our submission form (ADDSxxx.FRM). You should complete the submission form using a text editor or word processor (be sure to save it as a straight ASCII file). (Please note that credit card information must be provided with *each* submissions. We do not retain any such data from previous submissions) Once completed, your electronic submission form must be renamed to the same primary filename as your product filename. For example, if you are submitting a file named MYPROG12.ZIP, then your electronic submission form must be renamed to MYPROG12.FRM. This is extremely important! When ready, you can deliver the files to us electronically via any of the methods listed below. ------ COMPUSERVE EMAIL: upload your file(s) as a binary attachment to an email message, addressed to Richard Holler at 73567,1547 NOTE 1: do *not* send binary attachments to this address from the Internet! The CompuServe gateway software will accept and deliver the files to us, but they will be corrupted and unusable -- if you are sending from an Internet address, use one of the addresses below. NOTE 2: There appears to be a limit on the size of binary attachments to CompuServe email. It appears to be just over 2Mb, so if your file is larger than than, don't bother trying to deliver it via CompuServe. INTERNET EMAIL: send file as a binary attachment to an email message, addressed to or EMAIL NOTE: If you are delivering your files via email attachments, we recommend that you package your distribution ZIP file and your ADDS submission form in a single, temporary ZIP file, using your 'generic' filename. For example, if you are submitting MYPRG123.ZIP and MYPRG123.FRM, you should package both of those files in a single ZIP file named MYPRG.ZIP. INTERNET FTP: log on to using the login name of 'adsubmit', and password of 'me2add', and upload your files. (NOTE: due to security restrictions on this upload area, you won't be able to 'see' the files after you upload them).